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Thursday Nov 7

7:00 pm
7:30 pm
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/* * Custom CSS For Timetable */ #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-column-header { background: #e8e8e8; color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-column-header:after { background: #ffffff; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-columns .sched-column:last-child .sched-column-header:after { background: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-column-bg-block { background: #ffffff; border-color: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-column-bg-block:after { background: #f5f5f5; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-row-no-title .sched-column .sched-column-bg { box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-title { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-time-value { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-event .sched-event-inner { color: #494949; text-align: center; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-event.sched-event-invert .sched-event-inner { } /*#sched-schedule-22-122276832 a.sched-event.sched-event-sort-hidden { opacity: 0; }*/ #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-sort .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 100px; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832 .sched-sort.sched-sort-open .sched-sort-dropdown .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 180px; } /* * Custom CSS Event Popup */ #sched-schedule-22-122276832-popup .sched-popup-description { } #sched-schedule-22-122276832-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta a, #sched-schedule-22-122276832-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text a { color: #18bc9c; } #sched-schedule-22-122276832-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta, #sched-schedule-22-122276832-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text { color: #535353; background: #ffffff; }

Friday Nov 8

7:00 pm
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12:00 am
12:30 am
1:00 am
1:30 am
I Love You Coffee Shop ($10-$15)
I Love You Coffee Shop ($10-$15)
Fun House Legion #1 Main ($25/$30)
Fun House Legion #1 Main ($25/$30)
Fun House Legion #1 Upper ($25-$35)
Fun House Legion #1 Upper ($25-$35)
/* * Custom CSS For Timetable */ #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-column-header { background: #e8e8e8; color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-column-header:after { background: #ffffff; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-columns .sched-column:last-child .sched-column-header:after { background: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-column-bg-block { background: #ffffff; border-color: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-column-bg-block:after { background: #f5f5f5; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-row-no-title .sched-column .sched-column-bg { box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-title { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-time-value { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-event .sched-event-inner { color: #494949; text-align: center; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-event.sched-event-invert .sched-event-inner { } /*#sched-schedule-21-2059951368 a.sched-event.sched-event-sort-hidden { opacity: 0; }*/ #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-sort .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 100px; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368 .sched-sort.sched-sort-open .sched-sort-dropdown .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 180px; } /* * Custom CSS Event Popup */ #sched-schedule-21-2059951368-popup .sched-popup-description { } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta a, #sched-schedule-21-2059951368-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text a { color: #18bc9c; } #sched-schedule-21-2059951368-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta, #sched-schedule-21-2059951368-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text { color: #535353; background: #ffffff; }

Saturday Nov 9

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/* * Custom CSS For Timetable */ #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-column-header { background: #e8e8e8; color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-column-header:after { background: #ffffff; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-columns .sched-column:last-child .sched-column-header:after { background: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-column-bg-block { background: #ffffff; border-color: #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-column-bg-block:after { background: #f5f5f5; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-row-no-title .sched-column .sched-column-bg { box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #e8e8e8; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-title { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-time-value { color: #3f3f3f; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-event .sched-event-inner { color: #494949; text-align: center; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-event.sched-event-invert .sched-event-inner { } /*#sched-schedule-23-925326935 a.sched-event.sched-event-sort-hidden { opacity: 0; }*/ #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-sort .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 100px; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935 .sched-sort.sched-sort-open .sched-sort-dropdown .sched-sort-current .sched-sort-current-label { width: 180px; } /* * Custom CSS Event Popup */ #sched-schedule-23-925326935-popup .sched-popup-description { } #sched-schedule-23-925326935-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta a, #sched-schedule-23-925326935-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text a { color: #18bc9c; } #sched-schedule-23-925326935-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-meta, #sched-schedule-23-925326935-popup .sched-popup-description .sched-popup-description-text { color: #535353; background: #ffffff; }

Sunday Nov 10

12:00 pm
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10:00 pm
CommunityWise Arusha Room
CommunityWise Arusha Room
Be Gay, Do Crafts!
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Facilitator: Em Rhodes

This is a casual crafts and hangout group focused on LGBTQ folks in Calgary. Normally holds gatherings at STASH lounge in Inglewood. Come and hang out and learn how to make something!

CommunityWise The Hub 2nd Flr
CommunityWise The Hub 2nd Flr
Writing for Publication
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

This workshop features creative writing and conversation inspired by the revival of Calgary's feisty feminist magazine, Forum. There will be individual and group exercises. No creative writing experience necessary. Supplies will be provided.

Background: New Forum is a revival of Forum, a groundbreaking feminist magazine that was published in Calgary from 1988 - 2002.

New Forum aims to provide professional publication for underrepresented voices in Canadian literature, including women and non-binary artists, aligning with Femme Wave's mission of creating a safe, positive and inclusive space for women and non-binary artists.

In this two-hour workshop with New Forum's co-founders, learn about Forum's history, pick an idea, thought or theme from one of the original issues, write a piece in the format of your choice (poetry, short story or creative non-fiction) that responds to Forum, share your work if you feel comfortable, and learn tips for submitting to literary magazines in Alberta, including New Forum's 2nd annual issue.

This is a great opportunity to pay homage and be inspired by a feisty feminist publication in Calgary, do creative writing, and learn how to submit for publication.



Lisa Murphy Lamb has a Bachelor of Education and a Masters of Educational Psychology in inclusive education. She has spent thirty years creating inclusive spaces both in educational and community environments. Lisa has worked for the Calgary Board of Education, MRU, Writers in the Schools in Houston, Texas, and The Writers’ Guild of Alberta. Since opening Loft 112’s door, Murphy Lamb has worked collaboratively on several exciting projects: producing a documentary on the residents of the East Village (SAIT), putting art and text on utility boxes (Calgary Public Art), bringing the People’s Poetry Festival to the East Village (Limelighter), bringing 12 artists and 12 writers together to produce Print(ed) Word (Alberta Printmakers) and curating stories for the Short Story Dispenser (Calgary Central Library). She is also author of Jesus on the Dashboard (Stonehouse Publishing) and curates the monthly reading series, Storytellers and is founder of Loft on EIGHTH, a micropress dedicated to publishing new Calgary works in chapbook form.



Silvia Pikal has covered everything from arts and culture to health care for Alberta’s top magazines, netting a 2018 Alberta Magazine Award for her feature writing. She was a staff member of Culinaire and Where Calgary magazines, where she expanded their editorial content to include more ambitious features, increased digital engagement across all platforms, as well as brand awareness in the community. She was a regular guest on CTV Morning Live, sharing her expertise on things to do and see in Calgary. Fun fact: she once won a brand-new Taylor guitar thanks to a magazine contest that required her to lip-sync to a Michelle Branch song.


Zine Making
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Facilitators: Trynne Delaney, Kaitlyn Purcell, and Dania Idriss Zine making can be an important point of connection for those of us in BIPOC communities, especially women and gnc people. We would like to offer the space to discuss the practicals of organizing and zine making from our different identities. Trynne, Kaitlyn, and Dania will lead a discussion and following we will create a collaborative zine with our attendees.

CommunityWise Common Room Main Flr
CommunityWise Common Room Main Flr
Pink Flamingo YYC + sheTALKS Panel
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Facilitated by: Kim Jev, Allison Dunne, Ryan Guzman, Bea Lissima

Discussion panel regarding bridging BIPOC communities (especially black, filipino, and mixed folx) and queer communities. This will be a free-form discussion that will also touch on confidence in youth, definitions of success, and the dangers of isolation.

CommunityWise Board Room 2 flr
CommunityWise Board Room 2 flr
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Chiron in the Chart – Discovering our Medicine

In 1977, a burgeoning wholistic healing movement was beginning to arise into the consciousness of the collective and with it a new archetype: the wounded healer. This was also the moment of the asteroid Chiron’s discovery. The mythical Chiron was a centaur and a physician, whose legendary skills were enhanced by his own woundedness and intimate understanding of suffering. Where Chiron appears in our natal chart represents where we have the potential to find our own special medicine as we learn to heal ourselves and share our healing gifts with others. We will explore the myth and magic of Chiron and look at its relevance in each of the signs. Please come with your birth date, time and place, if you would like a personal look!

Bio: Ariel Learoyd is a wholistic counsellor, energy healer and certified counselling astrologer. She has been studying and using symbolic systems for personal guidance and in her work with clients for over 25 years.


Shifting The Lens
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

This workshop is to provide a discussion space where we can consider our positionalities, privilege and voice, contextualizing voice within and beyond the dominant culture.


Jaqs Gallos Aquines is a podcaster, with the Unlearning Channel, inspiring critical awareness of white supremacy by challenging, recontextualizing & broadening perceptions of race, identity, culture & diaspora.

Jaqs also has another podcast, called Kapwa Calling that addresses awareness of positionality in the FilipinX diaspora. They are also a co-founder of Bahaghari, a growing grassroots group of FilipinX 2SLGBTQIA+ & Chosen Allies building inclusion through an intersectional lens. They have just released a book called “Home is in the Body: LGBTQ2SIA+ FilipinX Femme, North of the 49th Parallel” which addresses community, identity, self and love while decolonizing gender through portraits, interviews and an anthology of contributor submissions.

Jaqs is committed to anti-racism and community building as a consultant, forequity.ca. In their spare time they enjoy playing music in a secret new music project.

Visual Art at Femme Wave

The Marion Nicoll Gallery Main Space Space Presents: Chloe Collins, Toni Cormier, Caro Ging + Veronika McGinnis
Oct 21 – Nov 8
Reception: Thursday, November 7
6 pm – 8 pm
Main Mall at the Alberta University of the Arts (formerly the Alberta College of Art + Design)

Femme Wave Visual Arts presents:
If nothing is done, no one is seen
Claudia Chagoya and Julia Rose Sutherland
in partnership with TRUCK Contemporary Art
TRUCK U-Hall Community Gallery
November 5 – Sunday, November 10

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