Club Sandwich
Femme Wave is a genuinely grassroots, artist founded, volunteer run organization. Through the efforts of our hard-working volunteers, Femme Wave has been able to pay every single artist involved in our festivals over the past three years. We want to continue to do so – and we want to grow (ya gotta have goals).
Club Sandwich is an opportunity for you, our festival supporters near and far, to provide financial support to Femme Wave. For a suggested minimum donation of $40 (or more!) Club Sandwich members receive the following in return:
- Exclusive newsletters with insider, super juicy information.
- The occasional handwritten or handmade mementos created by board members sent to you by mail – who doesn’t like a surprise!?
- Free admission to one non-festival related event per year.
- An invitation to our launch party.
- A limited edition Femme Wave Club Sandwich iron-on patch.