Chantal Chagnon
Going Solo
Friday Nov 27 @ Nite Owl
9 pm – midnight
$15 18+ Buy Tickets

Chantal Chagnon is a Cree/Métis woman living in Calgary, with roots in Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan. A single mother of two boys, she understands societal struggle first hand. Chantal has been an activist, advocate for her community, a staunch crusader for causes close to her heart, and a professional performer for many years. Chantal is active within the Idle No More movement organizing events, speaking and presenting, singing and drumming within the community, with a focus on building allies and alliances. Chantal Chagnon is passionate about building awareness and sharing understanding of aboriginal culture, spirituality, social justice and political issues. She creates opportunities for cooperation, education, and empowerment everywhere she can.