Design Justice

Facilitators: Leila Sidi from Tuna Tone + Kendra from Not Enough Fest, Edmonton
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Memorial Park Library – Salon
Register online

“Do you create things?! Do you care about justice?! We do!

Design justice asks that we interrogate our creative processes and center community, care, and accessibility in our work. As creators and collaborators, we are encouraged by the Design Justice Network and its design principles to disrupt narratives of power and privilege that determine who gets prioritized in design practices and who gets left behind.

Join us in imagining what a liberatory design justice practice might look like. We will ask questions such as: how can we dismantle systems of oppression through code? Or heal through woodwork? How can the designer become facilitator instead of expert?

Leila is a tenderhearted community handyboy. She is a woodworker and designs and builds electric guitars under the name TunaTone Instruments. She organized the Brown, Black & Fierce festival in Edmonton.

Kendra is forever a schemer, faithful collaborator, and self-deprecating artist. She is a grad student in digital humanities and library and information studies and she works at the EPL Makerspace. She organized Not Enough Fest Edmonton for the 2 years of its existence.

Leila and Kendra love deep and meaningful friendship and each other.”

Leila Sidi | Tuna Tone :

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