Jane Trash

Calgary, AB

Jane Trash graduated from the Alberta College of Art & Design in 2004 with a BFA in Printmaking. Since then she co-founded a silkscreen based merchandising company, Jiffy-T, was an operational co-owner at Tubby Dog, is heavily involved with all ages promotion in the Calgary punk rock scene and was voted Top-40-Under-40 in Avenue Magazine (2013) for her involvement in the community and various charity work. Trash’s interest and exploration of puppet fabrication lead to an introductory puppet seminar in LA at Michael Earl’s Puppet School in 2014. Trash is on the Board of The New Gallery and has an upcoming residency this summer 2019 at Arts Commons. She is currently working at Alberta College of Art & Design as the Educational Art Technician of Print Media.

Show up for the Messiness of how you Feel so you can Better Create What you Need
Adrienne Crossman and Jane Trash

Exhibition text by Dana Buzzee

U-Hall (community gallery) at Truck Contemporary Art
2009 10 Ave SW Calgary, AB
11:00 – 5:00  Thursday, November 15 – Saturday, November 17
Reception Saturday, November 17 3:30 – 5:00

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