sKIN: Photography by Alia Aluma

See it throughout Femme Wave

sKIN is a traveling photography exhibition by Alia Aluma that questions the ways that we compartmentalize and separate the inherent intersectionalities of marginalized identities and bodies with expository softness. Featuring models of diverse genders and racial identities arranged in ways which remove their respective identities, Aluma’s photographic works critique the judgements faced by people of queer and racialized identites. Through the use of pure, transparent fabrics draped over their bodies, Aluma challenges the notion that marginalized identities are inherently uncomfortable or confusing, countering these judgement with gentle form and tender beauty – terms not often used to describe communities facing otherness.

sKIN will be available for viewing at various venues throughout Femme Wave Festival’s November 7-10 programming.

Alia Aluma is a multi-media, black, feminist artist who channels her experiences from living in different countries into her art – focusing primarily on the different conversations around race, sexuality, and beauty around the globe. From Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Aluma moved to Calgary, Alberta to begin her studies in Art History. She has created works both as a painter and writer, being displayed and read in Canada and Rome. Primarily self-taught, Aluma has begun to gain ground as a Photographer and Digital artist, creating projects in Hong Kong, England, and Canada. Aluma’s first digital project to be displayed in Canada, sKin, was created while the artist was living in Northern England as a reflection on her varying experiences as a Black-Canadian woman and the social groups that she found herself navigating towards while living in North America, South East Asia, Africa, and Europe.


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