
The Abortion Cookbook: collaborative zine project by Arcana Shanks, Nicole Mary, and Taylor Harder

See it throughout Femme Wave

In light of anti-abortion laws being passed in the United States and pledges to ban abortion in Canada, Arcana Shanks, Nicole Mary, and Tayor Harder have come together to collaborate on a zine that is relfective of their feelings within the current state of global politics regarding bodilty autonomy. The Abortion Cookbook is a compilation of recipes and anecdotes compiled from the personal experiences of the artists alongside history and external resources regarding heral-induced abortions. Though this project is intended to be a source of empowerment for individuals who are resisting the systemic misogyny regarding traditional folk remedies and bodily health, it is not a how-to guide, but a reminder that a person will always have control over their body regardless of what their government dictates.

The Abortion Cookbook will be available for free from all Femme Wave venues. A web page containing more resources and information will be available for viewing at femmewave.com.

Arcana Shanks (she/her)

Arcana Shanks graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a BFA with Distinction. She concentrates on archiving her body, heightening environmental awareness, and dismantling anthropocentric thinking through performance and installation art, photography, illustration, and artist collaborations.

Taylor Harder (they/them)

Taylor Harder is a MeĢtis-Mennonite artist from Fort St. John, British Columbia. Utilizing technology, fibre, and found materials, they create structures and devices which call back to their place of origin. These devices seek to recontextualize marginalized data and phenomena which has been erased by scientific materialism.

Nicole Mary (she/her)

Nicole Mary is an interdisciplinary artist based in Calgary pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts at the Alberta University of the Arts. Nicole is a compulsive knitter and has recently been in exhibitions at the Le Petite Trianon Gallery in Lethbridge, and the Marion Nicoll Gallery Main Space.

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