Nina Nosebleed

Nina Nosebleed

Nina Nosebleed Mave Cagas, Writer and Director Overwhelmed and trying to figure out the ins and outs of her romantic life, All Nina wants is to find love. But her quest for romance is challenged by an unsettling circumstance. Mave is a 20 year old Filipino-Canadian...
No Filter

No Filter

No Filter Sheena Wheadon, producer/director *We will be showing a trailer only for this project – there will not be a formal screening* Sophie Gray, aka Way of Gray, is a social media influencer who originally became famous by posting bikini & fitness...
The Roommate

The Roommate

The Roommate Amanda Verhagen, Producer After an exhaustive Craigslist search, wanna-be-Instagram-famous Opal moves in with her odd but amicable roommate Cassandra, whom she soon discovers may be a serial killer, but hey, it’s hard to find cheap rent these days....

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