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Wednesday Nov 16

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1314 1 St SW (Pop-Up)
1314 1 St SW (Pop-Up)
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Femme Wave is pleased to announce that The Garden, a one night only exhibition, will be kicking off the 2016 Visual Arts Programming!

The Garden, a thoughtful pop-up exhibition, is all ghosts, shadows, and flora. Assembled works from artists Angela Fermor, Jade Nasogaluak Carpenter, Janine Bennett, and May GN, intertwine creating an unexpected and charismatic environment within this empty storefront. Their work marks the space as charismatic, setting it apart from the mundane and conventional, and emboldens reflection and metaphor to prevail.

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Thursday Nov 17, 2016

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Opening Reception
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Femme Wave Comedy
8:10 pm - 9:15 pm

8:15 pm - Brittany Lyseng
8:25 pm - Tricia Cochlan
8:35 pm - The Dirrty Show

$15 (Full Night) 18+
Buy Tickets

Mercy Lamola
9:15 pm - 10:00 pm

Calgary, AB

A multi-talented songwriter, Mercy Lamola is a trained opera singer who draws inspiration for her music through her humanitarian efforts with vulnerable communities. Mercy blends folk, soul and jazz to bring a unique and inspiring blend of influences to the stage, along with her piano, guitar and ukulele. A jill-of-all-trades, Mercy Lamola is an upcoming artist in Calgary you don’t want to miss.

$15 (Full Night) 18+
Buy Tickets

Amy Nelson
10:00 pm - 10:45 pm

Calgary, AB

Amy Nelson in an old-timey, banjo-slinging gem. A successful blogger in her spare time, Amy is making space and a name in the twangy folk scene in Calgary, a scene that is often populated primarily by men. She harkens back to a time when music was not only a form of entertainment, but a way of connecting to the hearts of all people. Amy Nelson will steal your heart. Just go with it.

$15 (Full Night) 18+
Buy Tickets

We Knew
11:30 pm - 12:15 am

Calgary, AB

We Knew have only been playing gigs since February but are quickly gaining a "one to watch" rep here in Calgary. They've got a full, focused sound rooted in classic 90s emo with catchy as hell pop sensibilities. Fronted by the engaging presence of Geneva Haley, We Knew will draw you in and refuse to let go. Not that you'll want them to let you go - they're like a warm hug of nostalgia for your ears.

$15 (Full Night) 18+
Buy Tickets

10:45 pm - 11:30 pm

Calgary AB

FOONYAP is something we can’t write enough about, and you just need to experience for yourself. But we will try…

Fresh off the release of their highly anticipated album, Palimpsest, FOONYAP dazzles audiences with their delicate soundscapes and wildly expressive live performance. Raised on an upbringing of classical music studies, Catholicism and traditional Chinese culture, FOONYAP has managed to harness the freeing abilities of self-expression through music to position themselves as one of Calgary’s most renowned musicians.

$15 (Full Night) 18+
Buy Tickets

Stride Gallery
Stride Gallery
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Un_form brings together video works by artists Felix A. Tuba, Megan Gnanasihamany, and Natalie Stevenson.

Within these videos are realities and staged instances that refuse conformity by unpacking the performance of femme identities and sexualities, critiquing common coming-of-age narratives, and embodying activism. By offering viewers a look into these themes through the artists personal experiences, social engagements, and protest, Un_form shapes a map for questioning convention.

Un_form is open on Wednesday, November 16 until November 30, and can be viewed during Stride Gallery’s hour (Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 am to 5:00pm)

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Friday November 18, 2016

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HiFi Club
219 10 Ave SW 18+
HiFi Club
Femme Wave Film
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This year, we’re thrilled to screen Black Magic, a documentary about young women killing it at Double Dutch!
Black Magic follows an American all-female jump rope team that wins a trip to England, where they’ll attempt to beat their own world record.

$10 - 18+
Buy Tickets

Dickens Pub
Dickens Pub
No Thrillz
9:30 pm - 10:15 pm

Edmonton, AB

Having fun is top priority for this Edmonton group, and their previous experience in bands such as Switches, Whiskey Skeiks and Midnight Crisis promises that they’ll sound great while doing it! Self described as trip-pop doom-hop, their surf guitars and synthy beats are the perfect soundtrack for a dance party with your pals.

$20 18+ Buy Tickets

Shona Rae & the Voodoo Hand
10:15 pm - 11:00 pm

Calgary, Ab

This swampbilly, rock’n’roll powerhouse band is celebrating their sixth year and we couldn’t be more excited to have them on a Femme Wave stage. Shona Rae has spent her time in the Calgary music community not only playing with The Voodoo Hand, but actively encouraging other women “of advanced age” to make their rock n’ roll dreams come true. They are a musical visual sight to be seen and set out to destroy sexism…and ageism.

$20 18+
Buy Tickets

11:00 pm - 11:45 pm

Edmonton, AB

Another amazing project to come out of Edmonton’s Not Enough Fest, Truster strike the perfect balance of harsh noise and tenderness. Their vulnerability can be felt with every vibration they produce, and their sometimes unconventional instrumentation use will make you wonder why you’ve never yelled into a snare drum. They also do a cover of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘The Chain’ that is painstakingly beautiful.

$20 18+
Buy Tickets

11:45 pm - 12:30 am

Edmonton, AB

Like a good beet soup, this band is simultaneously messy and satisfying. Their grunge pop style of songwriting is based on honest soul-baring lyrics sung over reverb-drenched guitar and complex rhythms. They pack a lot of punch for a duo and pair well with sour cream.

$20 - 18+ Buy Tickets

Peach Kelli Pop
12:30 am - 1:15 am

Los Angeles, CA

Formed in 2009 by Ottawa native Allie Hanlon (former White Wires drummer), Peach Kelli Pop are the Sailor Moon pop punk dreamboats you’ve been waiting for. Now a four-piece based in L.A., PKP have that whole sticky sweet-fuzzed out thing on lock. They’ve been on Burger Records for their last few albums so you know they’re cool as hell.

$20 18+
Buy Tickets

Stride Gallery
Stride Gallery
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Un_form brings together video works by artists Felix A. Tuba, Megan Gnanasihamany, and Natalie Stevenson.

Within these videos are realities and staged instances that refuse conformity by unpacking the performance of femme identities and sexualities, critiquing common coming-of-age narratives, and embodying activism. By offering viewers a look into these themes through the artists personal experiences, social engagements, and protest, Un_form shapes a map for questioning convention.

Un_form is open on Wednesday, November 16 until November 30, and can be viewed during Stride Gallery’s hour (Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 am to 5:00pm)

TRUCK Contemporary Gallery
TRUCK Contemporary Gallery
This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant - FEMME WAVE VISUAL ART
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Striking an enigmatic balance between bold formal elements and momentous content This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant is a group exhibition not to be missed.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant features a comprehensive array of work from artists Cassandra Ellanor Avery Faire, Emily MacDonald, Dainesha Nugent-Palache, Laura Hudspith, Nine Kennedy, and Susan Clarahan. Laden with charm and power, This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant builds a dialogue about identity by confidently destabilizing the hierarchies of dominant culture.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant runs from November 18 to November 24 and is welcoming visitors during Truck’s regular gallery hours (Tuesday – Friday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 12:00pm to 5:00pm.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant Opening - FEMME WAVE VISUAL ART
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Striking an enigmatic balance between bold formal elements and momentous content This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant is a group exhibition not to be missed.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant features a comprehensive array of work from artists Cassandra Ellanor Avery Faire, Emily MacDonald, Dainesha Nugent-Palache, Laura Hudspith, Nine Kennedy, and Susan Clarahan. Laden with charm and power, This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant builds a dialogue about identity by confidently destabilizing the hierarchies of dominant culture.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant runs from November 18 to November 24 and is welcoming visitors during Truck’s regular gallery hours (Tuesday – Friday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 12:00pm to 5:00pm.

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Saturday November 19, 2016

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Cafe Blanca
Cafe Blanca
Katie McCullough

Calgary, AB

Up and coming jazz vocalist Katie McCullough is equally comfortable belting it out on an opera house centre stage or slyly groovin’ at a local cafe jam. Blending opera, jazz, classical, pop, musical theatre, folk and gospel and making it all her own, Katie has the skills most vocalists only dream of.

$10 - All Ages
Tickets at the door

Rebecca Dawn

Calgary, AB

Rebecca Dawn is an underground Hip Hop emcee who got her start in Mexico, and now graces multiple stages in YYC with Jayzen, and their crew ContraVerse Collective. Her work with the Freestylimpics – a critically-acclaimed multi-skill emcee competition, Girls on Decks YYC, Calgary’s longest-running all-female DJ Collective and a plethora of non profit organizations; Rebecca is as powerful a force in the activist community as she is in the music community.

$10 - All Ages<

Tickets at the door

Kate Melvina

Calgary, AB

Kate Melvina is a self taught soul singer and pianist who from an early age has gravitated to old music and soul singers – from Donny Hathaway and Stevie Wonder to Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong. There is not a soul stone left unturned when Kate sits down at the piano. Equally groovy as she is classically fine tuned, Kate lays it down.

$10 - Tickets at the door

HiFi Club
HiFi Club
Life Of The Party: An introduction to harm reduction & other strategies for feeling good and staying safe
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This workshop will introduce some easy harm reduction strategies that are useful and applicable whether you are at a house party, a live show or festival. We will cover common intoxicants, warning signs, strategies to minimize harms, and how to intervene when someone you know (or don't know) runs into trouble.

Facilitated by Stacey Forrester of Good Night Out Vancouver

Facebook Event Page

Stacey Forrester is a nurse living on the unceded Coast Salish lands of Vancouver, BC, where she is studying urban planning through a health and gendered lens. She is the Harm Reduction Manager for Bass Coast music organization and one half of Good Night Out. Good Night Out is an organization that believes in the safety and celebration of women (as in anyone who identifies as one), femme, trans, and non-binary folks in nightlife culture.

Blackbyrd Myoozik
Blackbyrd Myoozik
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm

Edmonton, AB

Symfan is the bedroom electro-pop diary writings of producer Hannah Haderlein set to sparing drum beats and melancholy synth vibes. Her salty pop vocals lay it all out there, exposing this one-girl project as the raw talent that she is.

PWYC - All Ages

2:15 pm - 3:00 pm

Edmonton, AB

Quantize is a Drum Machine-centric project from Edmonton. The focus of the music and style revolves around the name which means to sync. Quantize mix dark wave and cold wave for an underground noise feel that’ll have you in a techno-synth dream.

PWYC - All Ages

Aurora Boring Alice
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

Calgary, AB

It doesn’t get much fresher to the scene in Calgary than Aurora Boring Alice. Formed in early 2015, this four-piece are outspoken and deeply rooted in the feminist and LGBTQ scene. They take cues from punk, grunge, 90s riffage and throw it all together to get a sound that’s focused and erratic at once. Noisy, scuzzy, jangly. This is a Calgary band to watch.

PWYC - All Ages

3:45 pm - 4:30 pm

Regina, SK

firestarter is the solo project of Jaye Kovach of Homo Monstrous (also playing the festival, here). Stuck somewhere between a soundscape and a pop song, firestarter sculpts loop-based tracks using drum machines, synths, and guitar. firestarter is non-linear, staticky, anxious noise pop that will surely shakeup your Saturday afternoon.

PWYC - All Ages

Tubby Dog
Tubby Dog
Prince Bunny
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Edmonton, AB

Us Femme Wavers had the pleasure of seeing Prince Bunny at this year’s Not Enough Fest in Edmonton and we were sold. Partly because of the bunny ears frontwoman Ana Klahr wears but mostly because her solo shoegaze, dream-pop tunes about love and heartbreak hit all the right notes. Prince Bunny will hit you right in the feels and stay there.

PWYC- All Ages

Girls' Rock Camp
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Calgary Ab

We all love Girls Rock Camp, and we all love Tubby Dog. This showcase was a fan favourite last year, and promises to be even more incredible this year with the camp alumni bringing us hits from this year’s camp like “Black Tea Anarchy” and “1862” written about the Salem witch trials.

PWYC - All Ages

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Edmonton, AB

Preston is the stage conduit for Shakira Graham, a young, talented, witty and tireless musician from Edmonton. Shakira has been writing and releasing music in their bedroom consistently for throughout 2016 - seriously, they have 20 releases since January alone. Preston’s music is stripped down, lo-fi as one would expect from a bedroom project, but it has a 90s slacker punk vibe to it that will melt your heart.

PWYC- All Ages

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Calgary, AB

Your favourite shredders are back for another year to show us all how much talent can be contained in a teenage body. They’re terrifyingly talented, and will be signing autographs after their show so you can brag to your friends that you once saw A-Bomb play in a tiny hotdog shop. (Disclaimer: we can’t promise they’re signing autographs, we just hope they will).

PWYC - All Ages

#1 Legion Upstairs
#1 Legion Upstairs
KP Smith
9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Calgary, Ab

KP Smith doesn’t write love songs. Facing the frustration of interruptions and explanations that often come to a woman who speaks her mind, she realized nobody could interrupt her if she stood on a stage with a microphone. KP Smith tells the stories of unsung heroes and untapped emotions, and she’ll be damned if anyone tries to correct her.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+

Buy Tickets

The Hermitess
10:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Calgary, AB

Harps. Dreamy vocals. The Witch Choir. The Hermitess has it all. The brainchild of Calgary powerhouse Jennifer Crighton, The Hermitess is a visual and musical experience like no other.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+

Buy Tickets

11:30 pm - 12:30 am

Edmonton, AB

TEETH are weird and wonderful and harsh and doomy. If you saw them at this year’s Sled Island, then you’re probably already sick of telling people they’re your new favourite band. The dark theatrics of their front person combined with unapologetic feminist lyrics make for a wonderful spectacle that you don’t want to miss.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

Feed Dogs
12:30 am - 1:30 am

Edmonton, AB

Hailing from Edmonton, Feed Dogs is one of a handful of acts originally formed as part of Not Enough Fest. Since their inception in 2015, they’ve skyrocketed and gained a solid reputation for their sleazy pop punk that’s a little bit 90s, a little bit rough, a little bit sad, and a whole lot of perfection. Their Jann Arden cover is a must-see.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

#1 Legion Downstairs
#1 Legion Downstairs
Homo Monstrous
10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Regina, SK

Homo Monstrous is Regina’s only queercore fantasy band/performance art duo. They’ve been told they sound like an “aggressive Chad Vangaalen” and bill themselves as “gender carnage” so it’s tough to say what to expect out of their show. It’s easy to say it’ll be memorable, life-altering, mind-shattering, boundary-crossing, noisy, glitter grunge goodness.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

Man Meat
11:00 pm - 12:00 am

Saskatoon, SK

Forged in the frigid winter landscape of Saskatchewan, Man Meat have established themselves as a badass, answer-to-no-one noise punk band in Saskatoon’s music scene. Producing an original and unique sound fraught with anxious riffs and desperate melodies, Man Meat will pummel your eardrums and leave you wanting more.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

The Garrys
12:00 am - 1:00 am

Saskatoon, SK

Oh my how much do we love The Garrys?! We can’t even tell you how much but here’s a try. This trio of sisters have dreamy harmonies on top of chilled out, prairie garage-psych, doom-wop hooks. If that doesn’t sound perfect, what does?! Their childhood influences of The Beach Boys, Ed Sullivan and The Shangri-Las ring true and lend a retro vibe to The Garrys catchy, surf tunes.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

1:00 am - 2:00 am

Toronto, ON

This super-charged duo writes the kind of music that makes you want to drink, dance and sweat until the sun comes up. A little bit country and a lotta rock n’ roll, all rolled into a thrilling live performance. They’ve toured across North America and Europe, gaining new fans and critical acclaim with each note they play.

$20 (Full Night) - 18+
Buy Tickets

Truck Contemporary Art (Upstairs)
Truck Contemporary Art (Upstairs)
This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant - FEMME WAVE VISUAL ART
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Striking an enigmatic balance between bold formal elements and momentous content This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant is a group exhibition not to be missed.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant features a comprehensive array of work from artists Cassandra Ellanor Avery Faire, Emily MacDonald, Dainesha Nugent-Palache, Laura Hudspith, Nine Kennedy, and Susan Clarahan. Laden with charm and power, This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant builds a dialogue about identity by confidently destabilizing the hierarchies of dominant culture.

This Is What Makes Our Guts So Vibrant runs from November 18 to November 24 and is welcoming visitors during Truck’s regular gallery hours (Tuesday – Friday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 12:00pm to 5:00pm.

Stride Gallery
Stride Gallery
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Un_form brings together video works by artists Felix A. Tuba, Megan Gnanasihamany, and Natalie Stevenson.

Within these videos are realities and staged instances that refuse conformity by unpacking the performance of femme identities and sexualities, critiquing common coming-of-age narratives, and embodying activism. By offering viewers a look into these themes through the artists personal experiences, social engagements, and protest, Un_form shapes a map for questioning convention.

Un_form is open on Wednesday, November 16 until November 30, and can be viewed during Stride Gallery’s hour (Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 am to 5:00pm)

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Sunday November 20, 2016

12:00 pm
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4:30 pm
#1 Legion (Main Floor - Side Room)
#1 Legion (Main Floor - Side Room)
Not Enough Fest Town Hall
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Facilitated by Bree Gardner
Participants: Open to all - no signup necessary

Not Enough Fest! is a festival dedicated to bringing queer, trans, non-binary, two-spirit, and femme folks together with practiced musicians from across Calgary to develop music skills, take up space, and collaborate. Providing accessible, all ages, dry, jam spaces for collaboration, as well as access to music equipment and skill development, this festival has most notably thrived in Edmonton, Portland, Winnipeg, Ottawa and other cities across North America. It is our focus to bring together a community of folks who have dreamed of putting together a band, but have been unable to do to lack of safer spaces, experience, ability, or access.

In our first year in Calgary, we welcome community members to come to our town hall meeting to experience Femme Wave's clinics, as well as provide insight into what you would want Not Enough Fest Calgary to look like. Through this interaction, we will be explaining in more detail what NEF Calgary will be taking on, as well as listening to concerns and desires of our impacted community. Participant and volunteer registration will be discussed, as well as a mailing list to keep updated with NEF Calgary.

Astrology, Feminism, and Resistance: Your Inner Lilith
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Facilitated by Caitlin Alexandra

Lilith was a figure demonized by the patriarchy for her resistance. We all have Lilith present in our own personal astrological profile, and where she sits in our stars tells us where we resist oppression, smash the patriarchy, and claim our wild selves. Join Caitlin Alexandra for a workshop where we will explore and identify our own Lilith and strategies for calling her power into our everyday lives.

Hip Hop Song Writing
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Facilitated by Rebecca Dawn

Learn beat science, rhyme writing and how to express yourself by raising your voice in a positive way. This fun workshop will explore social issues that the participants feel are important, through the art of lyricism: R.hythm A.nd P.oetry (RAP). Try writing your own spoken word poem, song verse, and even freestyling! It's easier than you think.

#1 Legion (Main Floor - Main Space)
#1 Legion (Main Floor - Main Space)
Swordplay and Fight Choreography
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Facilitated by Brianna Johnston

This workshop will explore the fundamentals of swordplay for stage. We will develop a basic understanding of posture and footwork, and use this as the underpinnings of the defenses and attacks. By the end of the workshop, we will learn a segment of choreography as actors would in preparing for a show.

What is Cultural Appropriation?
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

The Society for the Advocacy of Safer Spaces is proud to present this discussion panel focusing on cultural appropriation. We ask you to join us in an open and complex discussion on cultural appropriation, how it differs from cultural appreciation, and the harm that it can cause.

Our panelists include:
Adora Nwofor, comedian, activist and Femme Wave board member
Danielle Black, manager with REDx Talks, educator at the Glenbow Museum and Niitsitapi Blackfoot
Khalil Alomar, founder of VOICES – Calgary’s Coalition of People of Colour
Stacey Forrester, Harm Reduction Manager for Bass Coast Festival and founder of Good Night Out Vancouver

Tarot Reading
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Tarot Readings by Rebecca Reid

Swing by Rebecca's table to get a one of a kind tarot reading on your way to or from our other amazing workshops. Rebecca Reid is also an artist based in Calgary.

#1 Legion (Upstairs South Room)
#1 Legion (Upstairs South Room)
Fingerweaving and Indigenous Holistic Medicine
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Learn how to fingerweave with traditional Metis healer Kalyn Kodiak. Participate in this uniquely Canadian indigenous art form by weaving a simple wrap-around bracelet. We'll also learn about the contributions of women and non binary healers in medicine, ancient and modern, whose powerful stories are conspicuously absent from the written histories. Supplies for this workshop have been generously donated by Alana Marchetto.

#1 Legion (Upstairs North Room)
#1 Legion (Upstairs North Room)
Intro to Noise
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Facilitated by Nicole McDonal from Not Enough Fest Edmonton

Make noise and take up space. This workshop will teach you the basics of creating noise soundscapes using a variety of instruments. Learn what noise is and how to incorporate it into any type of music project to fill it out or add a bit of edge. Experiment with the instruments available in the workshop or bring your own.

Instrumental gear available for this workshop will include micro korgs, keytar, sample pad, loop pedals, vocal processors as well as guitars and amps.

Intro to Screaming
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Facilitated by Nicole Boychuk from the ‘I Hate Sex Not Enough Fest Edmonton Scream Workshop’

Learn to make noise, take up space, be loud and safely exert your vocals. Participants should attend this workshop prepared to use your voice while a live drummer and instrumentalist provide the groundwork for you to scream and learn how to properly project your vocals.

Stitch Circle with Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Join international gynecological surgeon Jaelene Mannerfeldt for a sewing circle and informal talk. Jaelene will share her experiences in Iraq and Pakistan where she educated young doctors and midwives on safe childbirth, as well as repairing women in Africa and the Middle East who have suffered from FGM. Jaelene is one of the only pediatric gynecological surgeons in Canada and is a wealth of knowledge, so pull up a chair and bring along some questions or sit back and learn about her international experiences with women in healthcare.


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